Trade risk management revolutionized

oneZero’s Portfolios are designed to revolutionize the way trading risk is managed. Segment your flow and hedge smarter for enhanced profitability. Efficiently route incoming order flow based on classifications to apply the most appropriate risk management strategy to each one simultaneously. Portfolio reporting is seamlessly integrated into the Data Source Insights Essentials package, for a comprehensive overview of each Portfolio’s performance.

Smarter Hedging for Improved P&L

With Portfolios, we guide our clients to a more profitable future by viewing risk, P&L and client behaviors at a more granular level.

Efficient Flow Routing

Use your own classifications with the help of our analytics to decide groupings.

Tailored Risk Management

Implement multiple real-time risk management strategies concurrently – one group can be internalized, while other groups are hedged smarter.

Reporting Simplified

Tracking is included in Data Source Insights Essentials.

Sophisticated Hedging Features Available

Use Systematic Hedging and Settings Schedule for automation for seamless execution of trading strategies.

Easy Expansion

One Portfolio is included; add more as you wish.

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Data Source is a next-generation cloud-based business intelligence toolkit that stores your quote and trade data which can then be transformed into meaningful analytics that facilitates the relationship between consumers and providers of liquidity.

Data Source

Data Source: DNA

Access your Hub’s trade, quote and quote derivative data in real-time, near real-time and historical. We collect and curate your data from multiple data centers and transport it to the cloud via high-speed connection. It’s available whenever you need it and comes in formats easily accessible to internal users and third-party vendors to analyze, including for compliance reporting.

Data Source: Insights

Understand the key characteristics of your client flow and associated hedges, and the relationships you hold with your liquidity providers. An interactive, visual web-based analytics platform offered in different packages which include not only essential trade statistics, but also sophisticated reports that include Maker and Taker Stream Classifications, Taker Login Classifications, Maker Pool Analytics, and more.